Entries by kingsgateinsur

Grain Safety Shorts: Bin Prep

Agricultural confined-space related cases of injuries and fatalities saw a dramatic rise in 2022, including grain entrapment cases which rose nearly 45%, based on Purdue University’s annual report. Iowa had more cases of grain entrapment than any other state at 9 total in 2022. Nearly all of these cases involved grain flow issues due to grain […]

How to handle extended absences of your tenants

As a property owner, you put your rental property—one of your most important investments—in the hands of your tenants every day. Even if you have an on-site manager, the care and upkeep of each unit falls on your tenant. Our loss control representatives guide property owners on the importance of good management and tenant relationships. […]

Farm Insurance 101: Actual Cash Value vs Replacement Cost Value

Depending on the insurer, policy, and coverage type farmowners may be provided with the option to insure property and belongings for either their actual cash value (ACV) or replacement cost value (RCV). The Replacement Cost Value (RCV) represents the expense of replacing your property that has been damaged or stolen, without taking depreciation into account. […]

Farm Insurance 101: Equipment Breakdown

All farms heavily depend on machinery that constantly faces harsh environmental conditions and challenging working environments. When this machinery experiences mechanical failures or is affected by external factors, farmers not only have to bear the costs of repairing the damaged equipment but also suffer significant setbacks in terms of business interruptions and reduced production. Some […]

Basic insurance definitions you should know when starting a business

There are many steps to starting a business; it can take years for an aspiring business owner to get everything in order to open their doors. From securing funding, finding a physical location, and purchasing inventory to developing a marketing plan and hiring staff, there’s a lot for a new business owner to figure out […]

8th Circuit Found No Fraud in Crop Insurance Case

Plaintiffs filed a qui tam action under the False Claims Act (FCA) alleging that the Defendants fraudulently received crop insurance payments by insuring their corn as grain, even though the majority of crop was routinely harvested as silage. As a result of certifying the corn as grain and not silage, the plaintiffs claimed defendants received bigger crop […]

Miscellaneous tools and equipment coverage

Under Inland Marine policies there’s a coverage category available for miscellaneous tools and equipment. It’s often used for such things as small hand tools, miscellaneous items kept in food trucks, contents used in mobile bowling alleys, and the like. Because Inland Marine policies afford coverage in any part of the coverage territory, they’re particularly beneficial […]

Ways to improve your gas mileage this winter

Winter weather can cause many challenges. Snow and ice can make driving difficult. Freezing temperatures can make it dangerous to be outside. In fact, cold temperatures also reduce our cars’ fuel economy. This table shows what happens to our fuel economy during the winter months. Car Type Winter Fuel Economy Conventional Gasoline 15% less than […]