Entries by kingsgateinsur


Have you heard about SCO and ECO for your crop insurance? But get totally lost in the insurance jargon? Join Chelsea Heatherington with Kingsgate Insurance as she dives into the topic further. Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO) Enhanced Coverage Option (ECO) Reach out to Chelsea Heatherington at Kingsgate Insurance to learn more about the Supplemental Coverage […]

Winter Driving Tips  

Skid Safety   One of the most dangerous winter driving hazards is the skid. If it happens at a high speed, the result can be deadly. Most skids can be avoided by simply adjusting to driving conditions and knowing how to recover from a skid.  Skids are most likely to occur on curves and turns; slow […]

A condominium insurance policy explained

Whether you’re buying your first home, looking to downsize, or retiring somewhere else, understanding condominium insurance coverage is important. Especially now with the impacts of inflation. Master Policy Coverage Most condo/homeowners’ associations (HOAs) have what’s called a master policy which provides coverage for the exterior of the building and common areas. Common areas may include hallways, […]

Why Is the Personal Auto Market Deteriorating?

On Sept. 8, AM Best revised its market segment outlook for the U.S. personal auto insurance market from stable to negative. The outlook was based on a significant deterioration in carriers’ results for the second quarter of 2022, which was driven by inflationary pressures and corresponding challenges in rate adequacy. Personal auto is the largest line of insurance […]