Entries by kingsgateinsur

How to apply pesticides safely

Soybean Source: By adhering to these pesticide safety reminders, farmers can protect their crops, the environment and their own well-being. by Betsy Danielson During pesticide application season, it’s crucial for farmers to prioritize pesticide safety. Proper handling, application and protective measures are essential to safeguard crops as well as protect human health and the environment. […]

Benefits Buzz – Why Do Insurance Costs Go Up Each Year?

Health insurance premiums are influenced by various factors that can significantly impact costs for individuals and businesses. Here are some of the key elements contributing to the rise in premiums: Carrier Profits Insurance companies aim to maintain profitability, which often results in adjusting premiums. For instance, UnitedHealthcare’s stock price rose from $26.70 per share in […]

Airline travel: The science behind turbulence

Article provided by Scott Stueber, CPCU, CISR, AAI- West Bend Insurance Each year, nearly 200 million people fly on commercial airlines to see the world or visit family and friends. Since 2017, my family has made it a goal to travel somewhere each year. While many of our trips have been to Europe, there are […]

Proactive Workers’ Compensation Claim Mitigation Strategies: Safeguarding Your Workforce and Business

In any workplace, ensuring the safety and well-being of employees is paramount. Despite meticulous safety protocols, accidents can still occur, leading to workers’ compensation claims. However, proactive measures can significantly mitigate the risks associated with such claims, safeguarding both employees and the business. Let’s delve into some effective strategies to proactively manage workers’ compensation claims. […]

Why every business owner should regularly contact their insurance agent

As a business owner, you juggle countless responsibilities to ensure the success and longevity of your business. Often, new opportunities or ideas come up and are implemented at organizations without anyone considering the insurance implications. Having the right insurance coverage in place is crucial to protect your business from potential losses. Maintaining regular communication with […]

Crop Insurance 101: Conservation Compliance

Conservation compliance aims to protect soil and water resources by ensuring that conservation measures are applied to sensitive lands. Compliance is a condition for participating in most FSA and NRCS programs, thereby encouraging sustainable agricultural practices and the protection of natural resources. The Food Security Act of 1985, as amended, requires producers to file a […]

Tips for Maintaining Your Attic

When you clean your home, there is one very important part you are most likely forgetting—the attic. Even if your attic is not lived in like the other rooms in your home, it is still important to make sure you are regularly maintaining it. Problems in the attic can lead to other issues, so it […]

5 Safety Tips for the Summer

The summer is a great time for everyone, but no one enjoys summer quite the way kids do—no school, plenty of free time out in the sun playing with friends, spending weeks at camp making new friends, or keeping the summer heat away with some fun in the water. But as all parents know, with […]