Farmers & Ranchers Need Disability Income Insurance
Your work is active and hands-on. With long seasonal hours in unpredictable weather conditions, many consider farming and ranching labors of love. But have you ever thought about what might happen if you became sick or hurt and unable to work? Health Insurance doesn’t cover everything, so how would you pay your uncovered medical and monthly living expenses if you experience an income-interrupting disability due to illness or injury? Disability Income Insurance (DI) from Illinois Mutual could be the answer.
Why DI Is Important to You
Being physically able to operate heavy equipment, tend to animals and harvest crops is demanding work vital to your livelihood.
You may be prone to disability because of the general labor-intensive nature of your job duties that can wear on your body over time. Exposure to harmful chemicals like pesticides and fertilizer or regularly operating heavy equipment can also present health risks.
DI pays you a monthly benefit when you can’t work due to a Total Disability1 caused from illness or injury, offering you necessary time to recover and get back on your feet.
Acreage and Herd Size Option
To make getting DI coverage easy, Illinois Mutual allows you to use acreage or herd size to determine the monthly benefit amount available whether or not income can be verified by tax returns.

Please reach out to to Chelsea Heatherington in our office today to discuss Disability Insurance more. She can be reach at or at 515-302-8400 (call/text).
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